Saturday, March 29, 2014

28 days later

I'm not talking about the horror movie.


It's been almost a month since the Heliopath Vest KAL hosted by The Unapologetic Knitter and GhostFaceKnitter began and I've been a busy lady. Since purchasing my yarn way back on March 1st, I've managed to stay a little ahead of schedule.

  • Knit, blocked and gauged my swatch
Swatch: knitting cable/lace pattern
Drying in the sun
16 rows of pattern in 3"= 5.33 rows per 1"
20 stitches in 4" = gauge

  • Cast on 208 stitches, knit 2" of ribbing and jumped into 14" of cable/lace pattern
2" ribbing and about 1" of cable/lace pattern
2" ribbing, 3" cable/lace pattern
16 rows of cable/lace pattern and my notes

  • Knit over 10 hours straight to reach 14" of cable/lace pattern
2" ribbing, 12" cable/lace pattern

2" ribbing, 14" cable/lace pattern

  • Started shaping the armholes with a ridiculous amount of help and support from @seaandlake
Shaping first armhole / open vest
Shaping first armhole / closed vest

I've clearly made quite a bit of progress in the last 28 days and I'm determined to have it done before the 11:59pm PST April 12th deadline. So far this has been the most challenging and rewarding knitting experience I've ever had, but I'm definitely thrilled it's almost over. I don't know if I would have ever attempted this on my own and I am so extremely thankful for all the encouragement and praise I've received so far. I definitely consider myself lucky to have found such a talented and supportive community of knitters through Instagram.


  1. Oh wow it's coming out so wonderful! I hope you are able to make your deadline.

    1. Thank you! I hope I do too :: I think I can I think I can I think I can ::
