Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Sock Problems: Part 2

Looking back at my original Sock Problems post, I'm a bit embarrassed. I took the literal meaning of ssk: slip slip knit. Instead of slipping two stitches onto my right needle and knitting them together with my left, I was slipping two stitches onto my right needle and knitting an additional stitch onto my right needle. This caused a chain reaction of mistakes including my inability to understand ** continue in this manner until all sts have been knit - there should be 18 heel sts left on the needle at this point.**

If you are familiar with ssk and look closely at the picture below, you should notice pretty quickly how my miss translation caused my heel turn to be all kinds of messed up.

My heel did not magically appear - my mistake!

It wasn't until I pulled out the work, repeated my mistake, pulled out my work again and consulted Bernat Yarns on YouTube that I finally got it. I have to keep reminding myself that knitting has adopted a whole language of it's own and I'm not exactly fluent yet.

While on the topic of the language of knitting, translation is clearly not my strong suit. In other words, I could definitely benefit from an English/Knitting dictionary right about now. Do they exist?!? 

Anyway, I managed to get through the heel turn and have already picked up all stitches (i.e. PU all sts) even if they are a little messy. Tonight I start the Gusset...


  1. :-) so cool that you've identified and solved your issue! When comfronted with a new technique, I usually look it up on YouTube. So congrats are in order, looking forward to see your FO!

    1. You're so sweet!!! I went ahead and added you on Ravelry. I can't wait to see what you do with your Yarnbox skeins!
